When you are seriously injured in a Florida car accident, the accident itself lasts mere seconds. But the effects of that accident last a lifetime when you were hit by someone driving drunk.
If this has happened to you — or if your loved one died because of a drunk driver — you need the experienced legal help from the drunk driving accident attorneys at the Law Offices of Ivan A. Schertzer in North Miami Beach.
Numerous Settlements And Awards Won For Our Clients
Over the past 30 years, we have won numerous settlements and awards for our clients and their families who were victims of drunk drivers. This money covered our clients' lost wages, their current and future medical bills and their pain and suffering, among other needs.
Although no amount of money can ever turn back the clock or bring a loved one back, it can help you move your life forward. You deserve nothing less.
Take the first step toward a new beginning by calling our personal injury lawyers, Ivan Schertzer and Joni D. Blachar. To arrange for your free initial consultation, call toll free at 800-977-0007 or complete the online form.
Making Sure You Get The Compensation You Deserve
Through our decades of experience, we know that there is no detail too small or insignificant. So when we take your case, you can be assured we will carefully examine all aspects, including:
• Interviewing witnesses
• Working with expert witnesses
• Examining physical evidence
• By applying our thorough, methodical approach throughout the entire legal process, we can help build the strongest case possible for you, helping ensure that you get all the compensation you deserve under the law.
Personalized Attention, Maximized Availability
When you work with our experienced personal injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Ivan A. Schertzer, we will give you the personalized attention you deserve. This is key not only to serving you well as our client, but also to your case, as one piece of evidence, one fact unique to your situation can often be the difference between success or failure.
You also deserve to have your questions answered in a timely fashion, so we are available to you to the maximum extent possible.
The Right Mix Of Experience
Because Mr. Schertzer has more than three decades of experience in defending insurance companies and defending people seriously injured by drunk drivers, you get the right mix of experience. You get attorneys who understand what you are going through, who know all that you are entitled to receive under the law and who know how the other side thinks, so your case is solidly prepared.
You do not pay any legal costs or attorney fees unless you win.
If You Have Been Injured By A Drunk Driver, Call Us
If you have suffered serious injury or if your loved one has died because of a drunk driver, contact the experienced personal injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Ivan A. Schertzer. Protect your rights and call us now. Your initial consultation with us is free, and you are under no obligation. If your injury prevents travel, we can meet you at the hospital or at your home. Call toll free at 800-977-0007 or complete the online form to get the process started.
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Were you injured in a drunk driving accident?
Injured? We Can Help.
Injured? We can help
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